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Instant Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance Quote
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Gender: Male    Female
Do You Smoke or Use Tobacco?: Yes    No
Amount of Insurance:
Minimum Life Company Rating:

Powered by COMPULIFE®



Guaranteed Issue (GI) Insurance should be a final resort form of life insurance for people who cannot medically or otherwise qualify for a normally underwritten life insurance policy.

GI policies have VERY limited death benefits for the first two or three policy years. GI policies are expensive.

If you can medically qualify for a regular life insurance policy, GI is NOT FOR YOU. For more information, it is very important to speak to the agents listed in the comparison. Get the advice of more than one agent.


Once you answer the above questions, you will receive an immediate price comparison of the Guaranteed Issue products available. Caution, different GI products have different coverage/benefit limitations. Make sure that you ask your agent for a full explanation.

IMPORTANT: When you receive your GI policy, read the contract carefully. No matter what anyone says to you, the contract will govern the payment of claims.

GI4Sale is committed to providing a database which includes every GI product for which we can obtain information. Providing that we are able to obtain the rates for a GI product, there is no reason for GI4Sale to not include that information. As a result, no other internet web site will give you more competitive pricing information about a broader array of companies and GI products than GI4Sale.


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